Now you have quick access to your favorite Rage Face memes just like youre used to with emojis.
Never leave the message app again to find the Rage Face meme you want include in your message. Simply change the keyboard to Rage Face Keybaord and access hundreds of Rage Face memes, without ever leaving the app. Its that simple!
* Over 450 Rage Faces!
* The keyboard keeps track of your most recent Rage Faces used. Always have access to your top favorite Rage Faces.
* Quickly send the perfect Rage Face for the occasion in iMessage.
* Rage Faces are sorted in convenient categories to help you find the best match for your conversation.
No in-app ads or purchases! Get everything up front and ready to use in your messages.
NOTE: Rage Faces Keyboard requires Full Access so that we can copy the images that you post in your messages. We dont save any information or compromise your privacy. Some iOS 8 users lose Full Access after some time. If this happens to you, simply go back to settings and turn Full Access on again. The keyboard will tell you if Full Access is off.
Please leave a review! It will help with future updates to make the keyboard even better!